

Dr. Marta Dalecka invited to International Visitor Leadership Program

Photo: Dr. M. Dalecka
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Dr. Marta Dalecka from the School of Physical Education and Sport of the University of Zielona Góra, acting as vice-president of the Main Board of AZS (Polish Academic Sport Association) for sports of people with disabilities was invited to participate in the International Visitor Leadership Program.

Program participants do not apply to take part in the program, but are selected, nominated and then invited to participate by diplomats working at the Embassy and they must be current or future leaders in the fields of government, politics, media, education, labor relations, arts, business and other .


Dr. Marta Dalecka was nominated by the US State Department to participate in the program, during which she is carrying out an international project titled : "Disability Sports for Social Change and Inclusion". During her stay in the USA (29/07-20/08/23) she is visiting numerous sports centers, universities, schools, government organizations, associations and foundations working for the social inclusion of people with disabilities, including those in Washington, New York, Alabama, Denver, Colorado Springs and Portland.

The International Visitor Leadership Program involves group and individual projects. International visitors travel to the United States for carefully curated programs that match their career interests as well as US foreign policy goals. They travel within a variety of themed programs, either individually or in groups, for up to three weeks. Individual projects are tailored to the professional interests of a given participant. Group projects are planned before guests arrive in the United States and focus on issues of interest to the group as a whole.

In addition to individual projects and those focused around one country, the Office of International Visitors also offers regional programs covering various geographical regions around the world, organized to exchange experiences with American counterparts and participants. The topics of regional projects are focused on a specific theme, including: US foreign policy, social, political and economic affairs, climate change, energy security, agriculture, food security, radio and television journalism, cultural management, the role of art in social and political commentary.

An important aspect of the program is familiarizing its participants with the geographical diversity of the United States, but also with the cultural, ethnic and socio-economic richness of this country. Among the thousands of distinguished personalities participating in the International Visitor Leadership Program since its inception more than five decades ago, there have been over 200 current and former heads of state, 1,500 ministers and many other outstanding leaders of the public and private sectors.



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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18