
Computer Centre

The Computer Centre of the University of Zielona Góra (CK UZ) is an inter-faculty unit, whose main aim is to maintain the University Computer Network (USK UZ), Zielona Góra Municipal Area Network (ZMSK ZielMAN), and the main IT systems operating at the University of Zielona Góra.
CK UZ staff manage an over 160-km-long fibre optic network covering Zielona Góra, Nowy Kisielin, Sulechów and Nowa Sól. As part of the PIONIER Consortium network, they cooperate with 21 academic centres in Poland for the purpose of planning, operating and managing the fibre optic network for science known as Polish Optical Internet – PIONIER. The academic community of Zielona Góra can access the Internet network through 2x10Gb/s connections. USK UZ connects several thousand employee and student computers with the use of cable and  wireless networks.

CK UZ provides its users and the University units with numerous IT services, including access to the Internet, server virtualization, the electronic mail, creating and maintaining websites, remote access to university and library resources, teleworking etc. The most important network devices and University servers are installed at the Data Processing Centre (Campus A). The Computer Centre employees are also responsible for the maintenance and development of the main IT systems at the University, most of which are proprietary systems. The most complex of these is the Dziekanat 3.0 system, which supports all study-related aspects of managing the University, from recruitment, through the electronic index, social issues (grants, dormitories etc.) to issuing diplomas to graduates. It serves as a basis for other important systems/modules such as reporting data to the Ministry-managed POLON systems, the National Repository of Diploma Papers (ORPD), plagiarism detection check of diploma papers, the electronic Student ID card system ELS, the University education offer (SylabUZ system), or employee evaluation surveys. The Dziekanat 3.0 system also supports the management a large part of the University’s finances (electronic purchase orders, revenue and expenditure accounts, internal financial accounts, University markup fees and many others). Other systems managed by Dziekanat 3.0 include the Computer-based System of Publication Record SKEP (with the export of data  to the national Polish Scientific Bibliography PBN repository), the database of UZ organizational units and  employees PERS, the database of  the University’s legal acts (Rector’s orders, Senate’s resolutions).

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18